I. Content requirementsThe manuscript has to comply with the following:- conference agenda;
- authors’ individual contributution;
- academic register;
- conference template (attached).
All manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism.II. Formatting requirementsPublication materials – 3 600 - 5 400 printed characters.Portrait orientation; paragraph indentation of 1 cm; Single line spacing.Editor - Microsoft Office Word; Font - Times New Roman.Page numbers are not set, the headers and footers are not used. Publication materials should contain the abstract and keywords.Margins: top - 6.1 cm, bottom - 6.5 cm, right - 4,9 cm, left - 4.9 cm.The author’s surname and initials - 11 bold, italic.The report title - 11, uppercase, bold.Academic degree, academic rank - 10, italic.Full name of organization - 10, italic.Contact details (telephone, e-mail) - 10, uppercase, bold.Abstract - 10, normal; 200 printed characters.If the article is not written in English, the abstract is written in two languages: English and the language of the article.Keywords - 10, normal.The main text and references - 11, normal.Alignment: author, title, degree, organization name, contact details, the word References (in italics), abstract - in the middle.The main text of the report and a list of references - in width.1. The formulas should be included in the text of the report with the built-in formula editor MICROSOFT WORD.2. Figures, photos and tables should be inserted in the text and have titles.3. Please, submit your article by using the languages of the conference only.4. Reference list should be formatted in line with international standards, more information is here. Please follow the link. Rules for forming a transliterated list of references is here. Please, follow this link. 5. The paper should be formatted in line with the template attached.All the articles approved by the Organizing Committee will be published in the collection of conference papers. Electronic version with all the necessary output data and library codes can be downloaded without any restrictions from the conference official webpage. Conference reference links can be received as well by contacting the organizing committee.